Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pull Over

Not another one.....As I was working doing my daily round I saw PD had pulled over a dump truck well, as I drove by a gust of wind pick up a bunch of trash from the my trucks hopper and it just flew away. As I turned the corner the Officer pulled me over. What did I do Now??  It so happened that he pulled the dump truck over cause it was "littering" that's when I drove by and the driver said "What about him why don't you pull him over too?". He did, told me I was throwing trash all over the street. My answer was "Hey I can't do nothing about it people don't use bags in this area it's a taboo I think. Told him I was just doing my job that I can't control mother nature guess he got mad cause told me he needed to talk to my supervisor. All in all I'm just glad he didn't give me a ticket and just continued my route with a verbal warning from the officer, cause my supervisor understands that when it's windy and people don't use trash bags there's a lot of littering going on. So please people use bags when throwing trash in the "Willie Bote" it sure helps.

1 comment:

  1. If the company you work belongs to a government entity then the whole fleet is immune from state violations such as that one the officer pulled you over for.
