Thursday, April 8, 2010

Landfill at full Capacity

I almost forgot heard this week Gene Belmares talking to Pro8news about the landfill. There is also a rumor going around in the yard about Mr. Belmares being backed in his campaign for mayor by Mr. Southern Sanitation. Supposedly Mr. S. S. is a short time away or maybe months in opening a new landfill. Coincidence or maybe Belmares does care about the lifespan of the landfill. I think Mr. Belmares said that the process for getting land, permits, etc..etc... is a very long process don't you think if they knew that already they would've begun that before the landfill was almost at capacity??? Promoting and enforcing recycling would also help but no they're not into teaching or promoting recycling. Why do that now when a new landfill is about to open? They've always talked about privitazing the Solid Waste Department since I've been working for the city (13yrs) maybe this time it will come true......or I might be wrong. Time will tell.

*couldn't find the link at pro8news but he did come out speaking on the subject

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