Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pitch in

well today's another day gone by.....they've been telling us since monday of last week to pitch in for a "carne asada" to break in the new bbq pit they're making at work. I told them that I don't participate in those functions because I feel like they're doing u a favor by giving u a lunch plate and it's like you're kissing ass just by being there believe me there at that dept. some people can kiss ass like no other i've seen them. I don't go when it's free and u want me to chip in PLEASE... They are doing this to boost employee moral come on You want to boost my moral give me a raise. If not,  u can stick that bbq pit, carne asada, and all the two weeks it took that guy to make it and just put it where the sun don't shine.....Maybe that's why the WINO can't stand me...LOL


  1. Hate donating anything at work because someone will reap the benefits that does not deserve.

  2. If it's not a raffle, it's a tanda, or some other thing you have to shell out money for.

  3. Well it was today (carne asada) as usual the war vet, and the pit maker said they were the ones who bought the meal, but in reality it was a guy from Heil Trucks. They sent a truck to view and use as a Demo and they forked the money for the "carne asada". I guess they want for the city to buy their trucks but I don't think they are going with Heil they were having too many problems with them....ohh well
